The Who, What, Where, When, & Why

Let’s start with the “Who” question. I am just your average woman from Iowa in the USA who is in her 30s and has recently started traveling as much as possible. I work a full-time office job, but with vacation days waiting to be used up. I enjoy reading, hiking, coffee shops, perusing antique shops, and spending time with my friends and family (when I’m not traveling, that is!).

As for the “what”? This is just going to be a conglomeration of my ideas, trips, recommendations, and insights. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. I don’t want to put anything in a box. More of a diary of my exploits because I’m the type of person to buy a journal to write in it, but then decide it’s too pretty to mess up with my writing.

The “where” is everywhere. I’ve never traveled outside of the USA, but the goal is to do so. For now, its explorations of the Midwest states, and other travels I go on (usually on a whim).

“When?” Whenever! I only really plan one big trip each year, and the rest are just last minute deals or weekends away!

Now for the “why” I decided to document my travels: I have grown to love traveling. As a child, it was road trips; as an adult, its flying through the skies. I love seeing and exploring new places, meeting new people on trails or at bars, and stepping outside of my comfort zone a bit. I hope to inspire others to do the same or just provide entertainment!

Image of blonde woman looking out over Walnut Canyon on a red dirt path near some trees.
Walnut Canyon National Monument near Flagstaff, AZ

One response to “The Who, What, Where, When, & Why”

  1. Looking forward to hearing about your travels


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About Me

I’m Anna, the author behind this blog. I’m a normal person with a normal 8-5 job who likes to travel and explore when she can.